Making the Netherlands more safer online together

Making the Netherlands more safer online together

20180912 Alert Online acties oktober 2018.jpgwoensdag 12 september 2018

October is the 'European Cyber Security Month'. During this month, the CIO Platform Nederland is also paying special attention to cyber security: Cyber security is the responsibility of all of us!

As a partner of Alert online, the CIO Platform Nederland is active to make and keep customers and employees of the member organizations online safer and more secure. Alert Online is an initiative that facilitates and encourages government, business, education, science and consumers in the Netherlands to collaborate on cyber security and let them act more cyber secure. 

Especially for their members, the CIO Platform Nederland organizes the following activities in the context of 'Alert Online':

  • With the participation of a number of Information Security specialists from our own constituency, an easy accessible crisis exercise was selected early this year. The exercise is meant to play within the own organization of our members. Participants practise in an attractive and instructive way with different scenarios within a fictitious organization that is being hacked. The crisis team is experiencing how it is like to act in such a situation; what choices do you make as a team? Who has which role? How to prioritize and coordinate? Who are the main stakeholders? To test whether the exercise is suitable to play within its own organization, the CIO Platform Nederland offers their members the opportunity to play the crisis exercise themselves on Thursday October 4th and Tuesday October 9th.
  • An online questionnaire has been made available to carry out a cyber security awareness survey among the employees of the member organizations of the CIO Platform Nederland. The results give a good perspective on the level of the Cyber Awareness of their employees. Afterwards measures can be taken to further improve cyber security.

Contact person for these activities is Janet, send her a message for more information.

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