Letter to minister Grapperhaus: strengthen the cyber resilience of the Netherlands

Letter to minister Grapperhaus: strengthen the cyber resilience of the Netherlands

2020-11-11 Brief Grapperhaus - cyber veiligeheid.pngdinsdag 20 oktober 2020

The CIO Platform Nederland calls for attention regarding the cyber resilience of the Netherlands and Dutch companies, while the National Cyber Security Center didn’t share information timely.

This letter was written in October 2020 by the CIO Platform Nederland to minister Grapperhaus as a result of the incident that the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) had information that could have protected various companies from damage, unless this information timely was shared with the companies in time. The FD highlighted this in the news item 'National Cyber Watchdog does not bark for everyone'

The fact that this information has not been shared with the companies involved is inconceivable to us and should not happen again. We hope that our felt urgency will be understand by the Ministry of Justice and Security and we ask the attention for a rapid amendment of the law. Main goal: to strengthen the cyber resilience of the Netherlands and Dutch companies.

Do you want to know more about the content of the letter?
Contact Ronald Verbeek.

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