Chairman Arthur Govaert of CIO Platform Nederland hands over presidency to Martijn Koning

Chairman Arthur Govaert of CIO Platform Nederland hands over presidency to Martijn Koning

2022-06-09 Scheidend voorzitter Arthur Govaertdonderdag 09 juni 2022

During the inspiring Annual Day 2022 today in Nieuwegein with the theme 'PolderIT, from discussing to doing!', including messages from Minister Van Huffelen and our sister associations Beltug (Belgium), VOICE (Germany) and Cigref (France), the members of CIO Platform Nederland said goodbye to chairman Arthur Govaert and they welcomed Martijn Koning.

Arthur Govaert, in his CIO role at Radboudumc, has been a very involved chairman of the board of CIO Platform Nederland for 4 years. During his term, the association has made a move from not only networking and knowledge sharing, to also being visible in the media and towards politicians. This enabled us to make a mark as a representation of the voice of the business user in the Netherlands and in particular towards politicians in Brussels and The Hague. For example, we have denounced unfair practices and competition in markets for digital technology, advocated that our organizations retain ownership of the data (free of charge) at all times and drew attention to a fairer division of responsibility with regard to security, privacy and continuity of software products between business user and supplier.

The ties with our sister associations in Belgium, Germany and France have been strengthened and our impact in Brussels increased. Members, board and office of CIO Platform Nederland thank Arthur for his valuable, always enthusiastic contribution to the association and wish him every success in his new role as VP Innovation Program Manager Connected Care at Philips.

Martijn Koning, Executive Boardmember and CDO of AutoBinck Group was unanimously elected during a written General Members' Meeting. Martijn is no stranger to CIO Platform Nederland. For several years now, he has been a board member and also initiator of the Transformation theme and associated CIO Committee (CC). Under his inspiring guidance, the CC is currently working on a Transformation Maturity Tool and a first Transformation podcast has been recorded. Board and members are convinced that he will fulfill the role of chairman with passion. In addition to continuing the focus on fair regulation in the digital domain, Martijn will devote himself to themes in the field of digital literacy within organizations and the link between Digitization and Sustainability. CIO Platform Nederland congratulates Martijn and is very much looking forward to working with Martijn as chairman.

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