Practical knowledge about cyber security in one publication

Practical knowledge about cyber security in one publication

20181018 Publicatie cybersecurity waar begin je.jpgdonderdag 18 oktober 2018

For every entrepreneur who sometimes thinks 'maybe I should also do something about cyber security, but where do I start?' Download the publication now and use it to your own advantage.

We are actively working to increase cyber security among our members and throughout the Netherlands. We do this, for example, by having CISO's working at our members exchange knowledge on a regular basis, taking a structural position in the Cyber ​​Security Council and having our members practice a crisis situation by playing a Cyber ​​Security Awareness Exercise.

Our 'inhouse' knowledge is bundled by us in the publication Cyber security: where to start? And what else is there to do? This publication serves as an inspiration document for organizations that have less capacity to think about cyber security, but would like to get started with it. The publication summarizes the learnings from the daily practice of our members around security measures in a simple way. Suitable for anyone who thinks 'maybe I should also do something about cyber security, but where do I start?'.

This publication is in line with the 'Cyber ​​Health Check' (presented last September by the accountancy sector). The purpose of this check is to get the subject of cyber security more on the radar of SME entrepreneurs. The smallest incidents may pose a threat to the survival of the company among SME's, but it also has an impact on the safety of the Netherlands as a whole.

Download the publication here and take advantage of it today!

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