Dutch IT community active for digital education

Dutch IT community active for digital education

20181107 Digitaal Onderwijs Challenge - ENG.jpgwoensdag 07 november 2018

The business sector comes into action through the Digital Education Challenge. An initiative of CIO of the Year 2017 Bouke Hoving (KPN) and CharITy (ICT Media) together with FutureNL. We support this initiative as an association. Why?

The developments in the field of IT and technology require the adaptation of the subject matter in primary schools and in secondary education. Not only in the context of technology-savvy citizens, also because the IT sector already lacks tens of thousands of skilled people. And as the Netherlands, we lag behind in the field of innovation, 'other countries perform better'. How can we catch up?


We support this initiative!

The business sector comes into action through the Digital Education Challenge. An initiative of CIO of the Year 2017 Bouke Hoving (KPN) and CharITy (ICT Media) together with FutureNL. We support this initiative as an association. Why?

Because research shows that the lack of sufficient laptops and tablets is an obstacle to renew education. And that schools are happy with laptops that get a second life (revised) and that we as companies can play a role in this.

In addition, we have enough potential ambassadors from our support base, who can encourage school managers to work on the introduction of more digital teaching components. By, for example, having easy accessible discussions with the management of the school of your own (grand)children.

Concrete actions, that have great effect. And as a first step, we act as co-author of the joint letter to the Education Minister Slob, to clarify the urgency. Will you also contribute?

Contribute constructively yourself!

We call on everyone who is active in the IT community to take one or more concrete steps towards more digital education! You can choose from:

  1. Acting as ambassador towards the management of the school of children in your own environment (child/grandchild/ nephew/niece). Go into conversation, discuss the urgency and, for example, point out the free lessons that teachers can use. Or act as a guest lecturer and give a programming lesson.
  2. The provision of used - but still adequate - laptops and tablets to schools. Laptop donation is via FutureNL and all formal issues (swiping, certifying etc.) are tuned. 
  3. Are you IT director/CIO/CDO? Then you can sign the joint letter to education minister Arie Slob on behalf of your organization/company, to emphasize the urgency.

You can always contact us for more information.

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