Launch guideline for successful cooperation

Launch guideline for successful cooperation

2021-05-18 Nieuwsbericht Richtlijn succesvolle samenwerkingdinsdag 18 mei 2021

In close cooperation between CIO Platform Nederland and NLdigital the ‘Guideline for successful cooperation’ has been launched. The guideline provides guidance towards more predictability and transparency in the relationship between providers and users of software. Download the guideline, implement it and make sure to let us know to what extent the guideline is (in)effective in practice.

We have joined forces! NLdigital and CIO Platform Nederland are working towards an improved cooperation between providers and users of software. The goal is to increase transparency and predictability, and to prevent, sometimes heavily escalated, conflicts. 

Why is this necessary; the software-market’s features
The market for software is one characterised by rapid developments, users’ high dependency on a limited number of large provider, very complex products and terms of use, and some specific aspects that can sometimes result in escalated conflicts and frustration on both sides of the market. 

Importance increases
Nevertheless, both users and providers have noticed that software will become even more important as a part of primary processes in almost every sector. Therefore, there is an increased importance to prevent, and in case they do occur to deescalate, conflicts. That might take some time, but we must make a first step, mutual trust must be built up. 

To support this movement the guideline ‘Guideline for successful cooperation’ was launched recently: 

2021-05-18 mock-up Richtlijn succesvolle samenwerking

Not legally binding, does provide guidance
The text in the guideline is not legally binding for any party, unless it is adopted in the contracts. It provides practical guidance for making agreements on increasing transparency and predictability in the relationship between provider and business user. We will regularly evaluate how it is applied in practice and in case desirable alter the text. 

Download the Dutch version

Download the English version

Make sure to let us know to what extent the guideline is (in)effective in practice, send an email tot

Joint sessions
Besides correctly managing the relationship legally, it is also important that providers and users meet each other more frequently outside the context of a contractual zero-sum game, to discuss developments in technology, terms of use and the maintenance of software assets. To this end, CIO Platform Nederland and NLdigital will organise several joint sessions this year, and they invite the members of both associations to partake in these regularly.  

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