Kick off session CxOs in the Maritime Sector | Data in the Port Ecosystem

Kick off session CxOs in the Maritime Sector | Data in the Port Ecosystem

2024-09-30   Maritieme sector meetingvrijdag 19 juli 2024

Knowledge sharing on digitization topics relevant to the maritime sector. Meetings are organized by/in cooperation with CIO Platform Netherlands and are open to organizations wishing to share knowledge on substantive issues. CIO Platform Netherlands reserves the right to deny access to meetings.

CIO Platform Netherlands, with its 140 members and about 1,900 connected professionals, has a large network, in which members can help each other on topics related to digitalization. So there is already a lot of knowledge to share and value to be gained. But sometimes you still miss the specific relevance to your organization, or knowledge about your sector. We are going to try something new, sector networks. For members and non-members in a particular sector. To share knowledge about digitization in that sector. One of the sectors we will start with is the maritime sector. Claudia de Andrade (CIO, Port of Rotterdam) and Arjan van Limborgh (CIO, Royal IHC) are the initiators of this initiative.

We will organize the kick-off for this maritime sector on Monday, September 30th, 2024, from 3.00pm - 6.00pm at Port of Rotterdam, at the RDM Next, Scheepsbouwweg 8 K03 'De Loft' location.

The program includes an introduction by Claudia de Andrade on “Data in the port eco-system. In this she discusses the port ecosystem of Rotterdam where thousands of companies work together. Increasingly by exchanging information digitally. The port authority has a unique role in this. From the public task of harbor master with the responsibility for smooth and safe shipping, but also as enterprising developer of the port, in which the quality of the port infrastructure and the optimal use of space are important themes. The Port Authority is setting course for a digitally integrated port. To realize this, it likes to work together on issues such as cyber resilience in the chain, a common operational picture and data transparency. This will be the topic of conversation with the participants in this meeting.

Next, during this kick-off we will discuss how such a maritime sector group should function, how we deal with members and non-members of CIO Platform Netherlands, etc. The main point remains that acquisition and other commercial topics are not allowed.

If you are interested in participating, please register or send an email to Please do so before August 29th, because of the reservation of the location.

CIOs and other digital leaders of organizations in the maritime sector, both members of CIO Platform Netherlands and (as yet) non-members.
**Acquisition and other forms of promoting own products and services are not allowed and are grounds for expulsion. It is also not allowed to discuss commercial propositions or prices of products and services (including those of third parties).

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