Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure/Responsible Disclosure available!

Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure/Responsible Disclosure available!

20160307 Nieuwsbericht Coordinated Vulnerability DisclosureResponsible Disclosure available.jpgmaandag 07 maart 2016

Collaboration between hackers and researchers?!

Trust, security and cooperation are key elements for any organization. The relationship between the organization and its customers, suppliers and other stakeholders depend on it. In the rapidly developing and technology driven world we live in, the customer expects easily available services anytime and anywhere, which provides complex challenges.

Challenges also in terms of security. Cooperation between parts of the organization, as well as between organizations and their environment including the government, are of great importance to enhance security and maintain the confidence of the stakeholders.

For strengthening the security, collaboration between researchers and hackers is essential. Therefore CIO Platform Nederland is very pleased with the initiative taken by i.a. the Dutch National Cyber Security Centre on increasing the adoption of Responsible Disclosure/Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure by all kinds of organizations.

The policy and implementation guide which was developed by SURFnet for the higher education sector, has been translated into English and made suitable for use by organizations outside the scope of SURFnet.

We hope more organizations in Holland and abroad are going to use Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure/Responsible Disclosure and will become safer through cooperation.

You can find the publications (in Dutch and English) here. They can be used freely.

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