Get insights into the day-to-day work live as a data scientist

Get insights into the day-to-day work live as a data scientist

2019-03-19 9 reasons for meet and greet.pngdinsdag 19 maart 2019

Attention all bachelor and master data science and IT students! Would you like to know how it is like to work as a data scientist at a big company or large organization? To get an answer, join our (free) Data Science Meet & Greet on Wednesday afternoon April 10th.

In one afternoon you can meet 8 large organizations. Every organization will share in a 10 minute pitch how they apply data science. There are 9 reasons to join the Data Science Meet & Greet, check all details about the pitches:

1) ASR Insurances: “Having a good time doing data science at a.s.r.: insure people and contribute to a more sustainable society.”

2) Statistics Netherlands (CBS): “At CBS data scientists make Big Data matter. They provide reliable statistical information to produce insight into social issues, supporting public debate, policy development and decision-making. This is how data scientists contribute to prosperity, well-being and democracy. How do they do that and what has Leonardo Da Vinci to do with this? Watch! Listen! Ask! Find out!” 

3) KLM: “KLM has been the front runner in many digital areas, particularly social media, and has now partnered with BCG to develop a set of tools using advanced optimizations, simulation models and machine learning that resolve issues concerning fleet, crew, ground services and network in the case of travel disruption. Do you think you can do better? We challenge you to do so.” 

4) Police: “How the Dutch police force is fighting crime with smart data analysis.” 

5) PostNL: “We are PostNL and we have something for you: the opportunity to develop and deploy your Data Science skills in an environment where Analytics is on top of mind.” 

6) VolkerWessels: “Using data science to improve the world of construction and infrastructure – VolkerWessels is everywhere around you!"

7) Volksbank: "Jump Starting Data Scientists.”

8) ONVZ: “Let the data do the talking!”

9) Meet other students interested in Data Science. 

In 2018 we organized the first and second edition of this Data Science Meet & Greet. This was such a success that we organize this third edition. Afterwards we asked the participated students to let us know how they experienced the event:

  • What did you think of the pitches? 80% = very good & good  
  • Did the Meet and Greet meet your expectations? 90% = good and exceeded my expectations
  • Would you consider to start your career or graduation at one of these companies? 75% = Yes
  • Would you recommend a next edition of the Data Science Meet and Greet to fellow students? 90% = Yes

We already look forward to meet you Wednesday afternoon April 10th!

Registration & Program 

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