CIO Platform Nederland signs inclusion pact VIP-IT to increase labour participation of visually impaired persons within IT

CIO Platform Nederland signs inclusion pact VIP-IT to increase labour participation of visually impaired persons within IT

2023-05-12 | NB |  Inclusiepact VIP-ITzaterdag 13 mei 2023

On May 12th, several parties, including CIO Platform Nederland, signed the inclusion pact VIP-IT, at the location of Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) in Hilversum. The project team from the HvA, the Bartiméus Fund and Incluvisie shared the steps in the project plan with the aim of getting more visually impaired people (VIPs) employed in IT.

VIP-IT is an IT retraining programme with job guarantee for VIPs. Within the VIP-IT project, the already successful retraining programme Make IT Work will be made accessible to VIPs. 71% of them are not in paid work even though they want to be. They encounter many problems in finding and keeping a job, such as inaccessible assessments, inaccessible workplaces and inaccessible software. VIP-IT puts an end to all these problems. The entire process, from assessment to matching with employers, has been made fully accessible.

CIO Platform Nederland supports this project by creating awareness of the initiative among its members, so that more potential employers sign up, by sharing knowledge and experience on objective recruitment, inclusive leadership and successful integration within the workforce.

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