CIO-associations launch ‘A Perspective on tomorrow’s digital world’

CIO-associations launch ‘A Perspective on tomorrow’s digital world’

2024-02-21  Manifesto A perspective on tomorrow's digital worldThursday 29 February 2024

Four CIO-associations launch their joint Manifesto ‘A Perspective on tomorrow’s digital world’ highlighting four priorities for European politicians to address in the coming years to reach the digital ambitions set over the last years and to ensure our strategic independence based on our values in the digital world.

Priorities focus on: Competence, Diligence, Vigilance and Governance. For more information, read on below, see the press release or the Manifesto itself. As you know, CIO Platform Nederland works together intensively with CIO associations in Belgium, France and Germany. Together we represent over 1035 major European companies that are business users of digital technologies.  

On Thursday February 22nd, 2024, we published our joint Manifesto called “A Perspective on tomorrow’s digital world”. In it we highlight four priorities that the European institutions must address in their next mandate (after the European Parliament elections of June) to reach the digital ambitions set during the current mandate and to ensure our strategic independence based on our values in the digital world.

We built this contribution on the following three questions: What is the desired impact of digital technology in Europe? How can the EU achieve leadership in this area? What are the necessary conditions for an industrial vision of the digital future? 

To guide Europe’s digital transformation, while empowering businesses and people in a human-centred, sustainable, and more prosperous digital future, we believe that Europe should develop a comprehensive vision based on 4 pillars: Competence, Diligence, Vigilance and Governance. 

We consider this comprehensive approach to be one of the key issues for European competitiveness. In this perspective, we compiled a list of 23 key policy proposals with the purpose of providing an inspiring European vision. More detail in the Manifesto itself. 


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