Digital Strategy, Innovation & Transformation

Digital Strategy, Innovation & Transformation

Our members determine the themes on which we act. We work on the continuous digitization of our organizations. The digital strategy - as part of the overall strategy – and its implementation within the organization are central to this theme.

Distinctive for the digital revolution in which we find ourselves, are the rapid developments. There is hardly time to notice, evaluate, implement and control a new technology, or the next alternatives are already presenting themselves. It takes a lot of time and budget to stay informed, possibly adjust the business strategy, make the right technology choices, successfully complete the implementation, have employees work with it successfully and avoid setbacks. Learning from the experiences of other users can help to prevent such costly mistakes.  
That is why we are committed to: 

  1. Sharing knowledge and insights about the application of new technologies in practice. For instance, creating value with data, AI and alike. These knowledge and inspiration sessions are accessible for experts, CxOs, and board members of our members.  

  2. Sharing knowledge on how to bring non-IT employees of the organization up to speed on working with digital technology, and adapting processes. 

  3. Expand the use of available expertise and experience, by organising more frequent peer-reviews aimed at improving digital projects of colleagues who are also member of the CIO Platform Nederland. 

  4. Making, if required, experts from our community available for providing feedback on policy initiatives of the government, and by providing expertise for technical briefings and parliamentary enquiries, and other initiatives on the national level that our members consider to be of societal interest.  

We are living in a period in which the application of IT and data is experiencing an enormous acceleration. How to apply these in a good and structured way - in these hectic times -, what choices to make and which preconditions to set and how to actually create value, is a major challenge for the leaders of all organizations. It helps enormously if we can exchange experiences about this and learn from each other!

  1. October 14, 2024

    ONVZ | Companies stumble over their chaotic data on road to AI success

    Members in the News! In this FD article, Anna Chernilovskaya, chief information officer (cio) at health insurer ONVZ, tells us that she is far from seeing an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven chatbot answering customers' questions about their health insurance?

    2024-10-14  Leden in het Nieuws Anna C. ONVZ
  2. October 14, 2024

    Intergamma | How Intergamma differentiates itself in the e-commerce market with omni-commerce

    Members in the News! In this video, e-commerce talks to Jurre Mulder, CIO Intergamma about the current state of the e-commerce landscape and Intergamma's complex customer journeys

    2024-10-14 Intergamma Leden in het Nieuws
  3. October 1, 2024

    Royal FloraHolland | ‘With Floriday we make the whole chain more efficient’

    Members in the news! In this Royal FloraHolland article, CIO André van der Linden tells how Royal FloraHolland has transformed from a traditional auction company to a platform cooperative that also auctions.

    2024-10-01 Leden in het nieuws Andre van der Linden
  4. September 26, 2024

    Picnic | ‘To keep the big picture in view, you need to regularly go into the details’

    Members in the news! In this article from AGConnect, CTO Daniel Gebler talks about leadership in an engineering culture, with multi-functional autonomous teams with about 400 engineers in total.

    2024-10-01 CIOpdate Daniel Gebler

Digital Strategy events

  1. CEG Innovation & IT | The journey of the banana through the digital ecosystems | Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management | Amersfoort Amersfoort

    Professionals attend meetings of Knowledge group (CEG). The CEG Innovation & IT shares knowledge and experiences on topics like: how to establish innovations? Who is in the lead? Who is responsible? How to organize the execution? Participants are CIOs, Architects (enterprise, lead, domain), Innovation managers and Information managers. This time we will visit the ministry of Infrastructure en environment.

    20 Jan
  2. Online CEG Architecture | Models that matter; Return On Modelling Effort (ROME) Virtuele Bijeenkomst

    Central to the meeting of this knowledge group CEG Architecture is the exchange of knowledge and experiences by architects at the intersection of IT and business. Expect practical case(s), best practices about stakeholder management, connecting to the business, architecture and agile, tooling, modeling and visualization and the necessary mutual inspiration.

    28 Jan
  3. CEG Portfolio management | OKR-journey & obstacles including workshop | ANWB Den Haag 's-Gravenhage

    In the meetings for Portfolio Managers, participants exchange experiences about various relevant topics from their daily practice of Strategic Portfolio Management. Topics include do's & dont's with regard to benefit management, stakeholder management, reporting, prioritisation and decision making, business involvement and from project to product oriented approach. This time we will discuss OKR's (Objectives & Key Results) with ANWB!

    06 Feb

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