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News with tag "CIO Platform Nederland"

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Kick off session CxOs in the Maritime Sector | Data in the Port Ecosystem

2024-09-30   Maritieme sector meetingFriday 19 July 2024 Knowledge sharing on digitization topics relevant to the maritime sector. Meetings are organized by/in cooperation with CIO Platform Netherlands and are open to organizations wishing to share knowledge on substantive issues. CIO Platform Netherlands reserves the right to deny access to meetings. full story

Annual Day 2024 - Aftermovie

2024-07-09  Jaardag aftemovieMonday 08 July 2024 A record number of CIO Platform Nederland members gathered on June 6th to celebrate our community's valuable and sociable Annual Day together under the banner 'Elevate your Digital Transformation'. Watch the aftermovie here. full story

Research on labour market shortages, help us reach 100 and help yourself!

2024-04-17 Human Capital Agenda ICT .jpgMonday 24 June 2024 The shortage of qualified ICT talent is a brake on growth for many organisations. Together with other organisations, we are committed to tackling this challenge. We would like to ask for the help of our members by filling out a survey. full story

Blog: ProRail sponsors the next generation of IT professionals

2024-06-24  Blog Evy KalkerFriday 21 June 2024 I solved the mini Rubik's Cube again in no time and the maze key rings were quickly busted, but the Beta Olympiad, on the other hand, is unbreakable in my memory. I'm sure I'm not alone in that. Nod if warm memories spring to mind now too. full story

Blog: Hope, courage and pride!

2023-09-15 Inclusive LeadershipFriday 31 May 2024 Despite progress made in recognising social injustice, we are not there yet and there is a role and responsibility for public leaders to take up. Pick it up with courage and realise hope and pride! full story

Quite some attention for VMware letter

2023-06-26 | NB | CIO verenigingen roepen Breton op tot actie EUCS voorstel brengt grote gevolgen voorFriday 05 April 2024 The four CIO associations' joint letter to the European Commission regarding the impact of Broadcom's acquisition of VMware on our members, has generated a lot of interest. full story

ICT experts, entrepreneurs and scientists shared their insights with State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen.

ICT-experts, ondernemers en wetenschappers deelden hun inzichtenThursday 28 March 2024 27th of March, ICT experts, entrepreneurs and scientists shared their insights with State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen and us on how to be less dependent on non-European countries for cloud services and to become stronger in this technology ourselves. full story

Business IT users condemn Broadcom's market behaviour and call on European Commission for appropriate action

2023-06-26 | NB | CIO verenigingen roepen Breton op tot actie EUCS voorstel brengt grote gevolgen voorThursday 28 March 2024 Today, CIO Platform Netherlands and its three European sister associations sent a joint letter to the European Commission following possible market-distorting behaviour by Broadcom since its acquisition of VMware. full story

Arjen Boersma and Edward Cox join the board

2024-01-11 | Nieuwe BestuursledenThursday 28 March 2024 We would like to welcome Arjen Boersma, CIO ProRail and Edward Cox, CIO Louwman Group, to the board of CIO Platform Nederland. full story

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