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News with tag "Information Security"
Blog: Cybersecurity month October: Keep your colleagues alert

Blog: Demonstrating Ransomware resistance SaaS applications raises question marks

Cyber Resilience | ONVZ, CCRC | November 1st | CEG Information Security (online)

Meet your peers online and take the opportunity to gain new insights and catch up on recent and ongoing external developments. The CEG offers a good opportunity to find answers to your questions and dilemmas regarding Information Security. During this CEG there is plenty of opportunity to gain new information about new developments within the theme. full story
Urgent call to European Commission regarding the European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services (EUCS)

CIO-associations demand: Microsoft, improve on sustainability and security!

Reaction CIO Platform Nederland to legislative proposal to enable sharing of cybersecurity information

Concerns CIOs features in FD again

Advisory report NL Cyber Security Council advises an integrated approach to cyber resilience with management at the highest level

Digital security: "The chain is only as strong as its weakest link"