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Quite some attention for VMware letter

2023-06-26 | NB | CIO verenigingen roepen Breton op tot actie EUCS voorstel brengt grote gevolgen voorFriday 05 April 2024 18:16 The four CIO associations' joint letter to the European Commission regarding the impact of Broadcom's acquisition of VMware on our members, has generated a lot of interest. full story
CIO Platform Nederland

ICT experts, entrepreneurs and scientists shared their insights with State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen.

ICT-experts, ondernemers en wetenschappers deelden hun inzichtenThursday 28 March 2024 17:05 27th of March, ICT experts, entrepreneurs and scientists shared their insights with State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen and us on how to be less dependent on non-European countries for cloud services and to become stronger in this technology ourselves. full story
CIO Platform Nederland

Business IT users condemn Broadcom's market behaviour and call on European Commission for appropriate action

2023-06-26 | NB | CIO verenigingen roepen Breton op tot actie EUCS voorstel brengt grote gevolgen voorThursday 28 March 2024 15:29 Today, CIO Platform Netherlands and its three European sister associations sent a joint letter to the European Commission following possible market-distorting behaviour by Broadcom since its acquisition of VMware. full story
CIO Platform Nederland
Vendor Relations

Arjen Boersma and Edward Cox join the board

2024-01-11 | Nieuwe BestuursledenThursday 28 March 2024 11:05 We would like to welcome Arjen Boersma, CIO ProRail and Edward Cox, CIO Louwman Group, to the board of CIO Platform Nederland. full story
CIO Platform Nederland

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A look into the agile kitchen during the Planning two-day event of Avans University of Applied Sciences

2023-03-07  NB EventCEG Agile Avans HogeschoolMonday 13 March 2023 On March 7, the Expert Groups (CEG) Agile and CEG Portfolio management were guests at Avans in Den Bosch for a look behind the agile kitchen. What a beautiful day with new insights and inspiration! full story

'Agile in practice' at Alliander| 18 October 2022 | Arnhem

2022-10-18 - CEG Agile AllianderTuesday 27 September 2022 Only a few places available!

A unique opportunity for every Agile coach, HR leader and business coach, to hear from one of the members of the CIO Platform how they deal with digital transformation and the successful adoption of Agile throughout the organization. full story

Data sandbox tooling: central support, local management?

2020-12-29 Blog data sandbox.pngWednesday 30 December 2020 In the WhatsApp group of the CIO Platform Nederland for Data Experts we received a question about experiences with making a data sandbox available for business applications. The sandbox itself is a means to create an increasingly data-driven organisation. The below article is written for everybody not yet familiar with data sandbox, but is in the midst of a transformation to a data-driven organisation. full story

Mission Control at DPG Media

2020-12-21 DPG Mission Control.pngMonday 21 December 2020 DPG Media shifted quickly to a central PMO control in an agile environment. Learn from their approach and take be inspired by their learnings and challenges. full story

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