Diversity & Inclusion - page 4

Diversity & Inclusion

Our members determine which themes we act on. We work on organizations that are open to talent and where every employee, regardless of personal characteristics or background, feels valuable and welcome.

People make organizations. People have different backgrounds, talents and motivations. In order to be able to supply the right products and services to a broad group of customers in rapidly developing, often global markets, it is important to develop and implement those products and services with a diverse group of employees. They can help you make the right choices and prevent blunders. In addition, in a labor market with great scarcity, it is even more important to appeal to the widest possible group of potential employees and to take good care of the people who already work for you. It is therefore necessary to pay attention to the diversity of your workforce and to pay attention to an open culture within the organization, so that everyone can feel welcome.

For this we do the following:

1. Share knowledge about the bias-free recruitment and selection process for employees. What knowledge, insights and experiences are there to remove prejudices from this process, so that you create the space to address and interest broader groups in your vacancy and attract the most suitable person to fill that vacancy. In doing so, we involve knowledge from science, the market and the experiences of other members.

2. Share experiences about the elements that are important to develop an inclusive culture in the workplace. How do you approach that, what works and when can it go completely off the rails? What do we actually know about each other and each other's backgrounds, passions and motives? How do we bring it up and take each other into account. How to become and remain an inclusive leader?

More diversity in terms of gender, age, background, but also, for example, how people think and learn (neurodiversity) is desperately needed. Those differences determine the path someone has traveled to get where they are now and that generally says something about the way someone views and deals with problems. In this way we make our organizations and companies richer, more effective. That is why, on behalf of CIO Platform Nederland, I am committed to more diversity, inclusion and equity in the workplace – also in our field.

  1. June 12, 2023

    Blog: The War of Talent

    The War of Talent - A topic that is frequently discussed during meetings involving CIOs, HR directors and other stakeholders within the IT sector. Also within the government, programmes have been started under the banner of I-skills that should give substance to the recruitment and, of course, retention of (new) colleagues. An excellent subject for us, CIO Platform Nederland members, to share our experiences and thus make each other stronger.

    2023-06-12 | Blog | war on Talent Pieter Halenbeek
  2. June 1, 2023

    Digital skills crucial in education or not?

    Prior to the Whitsun weekend, two motions were announced in the Dutch House of Representatives that concerned the place of digital literacy in primary and secondary education

    2023-06-01 | NB | Digitale vaardigheden wel of niet cruciaal in het onderwijs
  3. May 26, 2023

    Digital literacy is a crucial basic skill

    In a world where digital technology is becoming increasingly important, in almost all social, societal and economic processes, having sufficient knowledge to handle it properly is crucial. Being able to develop, maintain and deploy this technology properly and safely, understanding what it can be used for, and what it cannot be used for and how to do so efficiently, is necessary in this regard, also to avoid major problems. This is where the economic opportunities of the future lie.

    2023-06-01 | NB | Digitale vaardigheden wel of niet cruciaal in het onderwijs
  4. May 13, 2023

    CIO Platform Nederland signs inclusion pact VIP-IT to increase employment participation of visually

    On May 12th, several parties, including CIO Platform Nederland, signed the inclusion pact VIP-IT, at the location of Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) in Hilversum. The project team from the HvA, the Bartiméus Fund and Incluvisie shared the steps in the project plan with the aim of getting more visually impaired people (VIPs) employed in IT.

    2023-05-12 | NB |  Inclusiepact VIP-IT

Diversity & Inclusion events

  1. CEG Management Support | ANWB | The Hague 's-Gravenhage

    This CEG unites the assistants of the member CIOs. The rapidly digitizing working environment and working virtual require a high demand of the flexibility and adjustment skils of the management assistant. The meeting highlights current challenges. On the agenda for example best practices to challenge the issues, break-outs and tips from other assistants and/or an expert. 

    06 Mar
  2. SAVE THE DATE | Annual Day 2025 Nieuwegein

    Every year on the Annual Day we celebrate our community, a gathering for all our members. With a program that underlines and supports the current focus of members and association. This year we will again provide interesting speakers and ample opportunity to gain inspiration, exchange thoughts on relevant themes and catch up over drinks and a bite to eat at Greenvillage in Nieuwegein. You will come too, won't you?

    05 Jun

More events
